5 Natural Remedies for Purging to Avoid Antibiotics Abuse


1st person: My Stomach hurts and I am purging.

2nd person: Ehn, go and take Flagyl, you can combine it with tetracycline.

1st person: Please buy me Flagyl and tetracycline, I will be travelling tomorrow and I need to take it before I board the bus.

2nd person: Are you purging?

1st person: I'm perfectly ok, I just want to take it in case...

NOTE: Flagyl and Tetracycline are antibiotics used to treat patients with ailments. They are often abused and used to treat even the mildest of stomach ache without prescription. This is totally WRONG! It is called DRUG ABUSE.

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Common causes of Purging and stomach disorders;

· Food poisoning: The intake of contaminated food and drinks can cause purging. Eating spoilt food can also cause purging and stomach ache.

· Eating and Drinking kinds of stuff that make you purge: Don't take fruits, foods and drinks that your stomach is sensitive to. Some people's digestive tract can't handle too much sugar, some can't handle milk and other lactic products. Know what your body wants, it is very important.

· Perceiving stuffs that your body is sensitive to: When you are close to things that make you purge, always cover your nose to avoid stomach disorder. Petroleum gas, cooking gas and foul smell can cause stomach disorder and purging.

· Sensitivity and side effect of drugs: Always read the leaflets of the drugs doctors prescribe to you to know if it's the reason you are purging. Over time, the purging will stop even without taking any drug to stop it.

· Hormonal discharge in the body: Reactions to situations like fear, shock and anxiety causes stomach disorder for some people.

· Ovulation and menstruation: Change in body systems especially in women cause them to purge. Some people purge throughout ovulation while some throughout their period.

Why should I consider trying the tips below before taking Flagyl and Tetracycline?
Your body will get used to these antibiotics making ailments difficult to treat when the body needs it.

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Before you think of taking Flagyl and tetracycline, try these first:

· Eat food that naturally make you constipated: Taking bread makes bowel movement easy for some people, however, it causes constipation for some. There are other foods like that too, know the food that makes your faeces strong and eats them whenever you are stooling, it really helps.

· Eat Fried Plantain/ Banana: The first time I heard it too, I was surprised, then I tried it, it works like magic (don't take if plantain/banana makes you purge.) The plantain/banana helps correct excess water in the stool.

· Take cassava flakes soaked in water (Garri): This works for almost everyone I have met, once you notice you are purging, soak some garri in cool water without sugar and drink, it helps.

· Try fasting: Stay away from food and take water till your stomach is settled. Eating when purging will only make you use the toilet more and this makes the anus sore.

· Take salt and water/ORT (Oral Rehydration Therapy) or ORS (Oral rehydration salt): If you can't get ORS or ORT as soon as possible, put a pinch salt in a glass of water then drink. It helps to correct stooling by osmoregulation.

If you try these within a day and it doesn't work, then your next option should be the use of Flagyl not the combination of Flagyl and tetracycline. If symptoms persist, see a doctor. Avoid self-medication and drug abuse.

I hope this helps, stay safe.


Unknown said…
Great post. I'm a Flagyl abuser myself. I'll try these new methods.
Jimoh Rapport said…
Thanks. You should!
Unknown said…
Love your post and remedies. I know of cassava flour, bread, fasting but never knew salt water or banana could be of help too. I am in the office and needed an option faster before i get home. So i'd rather get some banana and see how it works. Thanks anyways