10 Medical Conditions You Should Know About; Borborygmi, Kleptomania and More

Brain knowledge, What do you know about these Medical Conditions Like Borborygmi, Kleptomania and Others?

What do you know about these Medical Conditions; Borborygmi, Kleptomania and Others?

Below are 10 different medical conditions that you should know about:

1. Borborygmus (bor″bō-rĭg′mŭs), Plural (Borborygmi) is defined as the sound your stomach makes as a result of rumbling in the bowels. A gurgling, splashing sound normally heard in the large intestine which is caused by the passage of gas through the liquid contents of the intestine.

2. Vesicovaginal fistula which is also known as Rectovaginal fistula defined as an abnormal connection between the rectum the vagina through a hole that links the two. The contents of the bowel (gas and stool) can pass through a hole in the fistula. It is common among girls in the Hausa community in Nigeria because of early childbirth.

3. Stockholm syndrome is also known as Capture-bonding is a psychological phenomenon in which a hostage/hostages express empathy, sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors to the extent of defending and identifying with their captors. A Stockholm individual is usually in love with their captors.

4. Muscle fasciculation is also known as Muscle twitching happens when muscles contracts as a result of stimulation, it is a normal phenomenon. It can also happen as a result of damage to the muscles in rare cases.

5. Dysmenorrhea (dysmenorrhoea) is the scientific name for menstrual pain. It usually begins around the time that menstruation begins.

6. Melanocytic nevus is also known as Nevocytic nevus is the scientific name of moles on the skin.

7. Kleptomania (klopemania) is an impulse control disorder which causes the inability to refrain from the urge to steal for other reasons apart from personal use or financial gain.

8. Oxytocin and Vasopressin are the two powerful hormones that make you fall in love.

9. Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic disease (disease transferred to humans by animals) which is characterised by the mummification (like an Egyptian mummy, dried or frozen) of the foetus in the mother's womb.

10. ABCD Syndrome is a rare type of disease that may seem impossible. It is when a patient has Albinism, Black lock, Cell migration, Disorder of the neurocytes of the gut, and Deafness. It occurs as a result of a homozygous mutation in the EDNRB gene. Scientists discovered that it is the same as type IV Waardenburg syndrome, also known as Shah-Waardenburg Syndrome.

I hope you learnt something new today. Keep learning, stay healthy.
