Understanding Bad Body Odours (Part 2)

Bad body odor

Understanding Bad Body Odors

This is a continuation from the previous post on body odour. Like we all know, bad body odour leaves us embarrassed. Many of us sometimes fall victim to bad body odour and we just can't help it, and it is not even our fault or a reflection of our personal hygiene- it is our health. If you can't quite discover the cause, read on to see if medical intervention might provide a cure.

If you notice a sweet smell (like a little fruit punch powder was sprinkled into your toilet bowl to create a sweet bathroom aroma) when you urinate, it may be as a result of too much sugar in your urine and this can be a sign of diabetes. Though this may not be the worst smelling situation, but you should seek a medical opinion if this condition persists.

Diabetes indicates that your body is deficient in insulin required to regulate blood-glucose levels. Sweet urine is a result of your body having excess sugar that insulin fails to convert into energy. With proper diet and exercise, diabetes can be controlled.


When bad breath occurs, you'd think you hadn't brushed, flossed or visited the dentist in a year. No gum or mint can fight off this bad breath. Sinusitis is a bacterial or viral infection that causes inflammation in sinus tissues, especially the hollow spaces in the bones that connect with the nose. It causes bad breath because of the mucus draining slowly down the back of your throat. It can also come paired with neon nasal discharge and ear, tooth or jaw pain.

Luckily, sinusitis usually corrects itself with time, but consult a medical doctor if you develop a headache, stiff neck and swelling around the eyes or forehead or a change in vision.

Vaginal yeast infection

It looks just like freshly baked bread, but more yeasty, and it definitely did not come from an oven. This oddity can be traced a little further south and near your buckle. Vaginal yeast is usually kept in check by a delicate balance of the naturally occurring fungus candida and its bacteria counterpart, lactobacillus. However, a stinky yeast infection can occur from the most innocent of mistakes. For example, it can result from wearing damp clothing, such as a bathing suit or sweaty gym shorts, for too long.

The best remedy is to try an OTC antifungal for three days. If the stench persists, and especially if it’s paired with discharge, seek a doctor’s help to get a stronger prescription — it might be a bacterial infection.

Vaginal bacterial infection

Unpleasant "fishy-smelly" areas can be irritating, but can also be mortifying if it comes from your underpants. The odour, according to doctors is the result of “bad bacteria" outnumbering “good bacteria” (lactobacillus) in the vagina. It’s most noticeable after sex or around menstruation and can be accompanied with discharge, itching, and burning.

The condition signifies an increased pH level (from the presence of semen or blood). The most effective treatment is oral antibiotics.

Itchy, red feet

Do you not have that moment when you take off shoes and your toes put you in a jam because of your stinky feet stench filling the area? It sounds a lot worse than it is. Really, it means excessive odour from sweat. In terms of feet, the smell occurs from sweaty feet fostering an ideal environment for bacteria and fungi to grow in your dark, warm shoes. This often leads to itchy, red feet.
The best cure proves to be OTC deodorising powder and diligence in shoe upkeep. For example, use athlete’s foot spray regularly; don’t wear the same shoe each day; wear cotton socks; and don’t store shoes in dark, dingy closets.

I hope you all understand bad body odour clearly now. A post on bad breath (mouth odour) will follow sometime soon. Keep visiting Ink & Pen's Blog for more educative health tips like this and sign up to our newsletter. Thanks

