What do you know about Phlegm (Catarrh) with black like spring trapped in it?

phlegm or catarrh with black substance trapped in it

What do you know about Phlegm (Catarrh) with black like spring trapped in it?

Phlegm (also know as catarrh) is the thick viscous substance produced by the mucous membranes of the respiratory passages, especially when produced in large quantities during a cold.

Our phlegm tells us a lot about our health status. The color of the phlegm of a healthy person should be white, so once it starts having different colors, there is a need for medical attention.

A white phlegm with black spring-like stuff trapped inside it is actually not a health problem. It occurs when dust is trapped in the phlegm and not within the nose area.

Normally if there is dust in your nose, when you sneeze, it comes out with the phlegm. In this case, the dust has gone beyond the nose and is trapped within the phlegm. The phlegm comes out like a smooth ball through the nose or the mouth without causing any discomfort.

It is common among people who usually sneeze when they are around things they are allergic to. So if you often experience this, there is no cause for alarm.

I hope this helps, stay healthy.
