New Study Shows Kinds Of Children Likely To Seek Divorce In Marriage As Adults 

New Study Shows Kinds Of Children Likely To Seek Divorce In Marriage As Adults 

Health News: Are adult children of divorced parents likely to seek divorce themselves in their own marriage than those who are from two-parent homes? Is this psychological or in the genes? Read about this below in a newly published report. 

A study carried out by researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University and Lund University in Sweden has shown that children of divorced parents are more likely to seek a divorce when compared to those who grew up in two-parent households.

According to the research, this increased tendency is not caused by psychological factors, but genetics. This means that genetics influence the tendency to seek for divorce. 

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In the study published in the 2017 journal of Psychological Science, the researchers analysed Swedish population registries and found that people who were adopted resembled their biological but not adoptive parents and siblings in their histories of divorce.

In the study report, Jessica Salvatore, an Assistant Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, said: “We were trying to answer the basic question: Why does divorce run in families?
“Across a series of designs using Swedish national registry data, we found consistent evidence that genetic factors primarily explained the intergenerational transmission of divorce.

“By recognising the role that genetics plays in the intergenerational transmission of divorce, therapists may be able to better identify more appropriate targets when helping distressed couples.

“Focusing on increasing commitment or strengthening interpersonal skills may not be a particularly good use of time for a therapist working with a distressed couple.

“At present, the bulk of evidence on why divorce runs in families points to the idea that growing up with divorced parents weakens your commitment to and the interpersonal skills needed for marriage.

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“However, these previous studies haven’t adequately controlled for or examined something else in addition to the environment that divorcing parents transmit to their children: genes.

“For example, other study reveals that people who are highly neurotic tend to perceive their partners as behaving more negatively than they objectively are (as rated by independent observers).

“So, addressing these underlying, personality-driven cognitive distortions through cognitive-behavioural approaches may be a better strategy than trying to foster commitment.”
