To a layperson, such a topic sounds confusing. Most people know that the body needs more water to remain healthy and function properly. Beginners in athletics and fitness also know that they need to drink a lot of water to remain hydrated. However, there is a concern that hyperhydration can be risky for an athlete.
Avoiding drinking too much water has been advised by experienced medical researchers after various studies on the issue. Apart from derailing your steroides oraux fitness enhancement programs, there are numerous other threats that come along with drinking too much water. But, how is this possible? Keep reading to understand more especially if you are an athlete who has been taking water consumption too far.
Where Confusion Began
There is no doubt that most sportsmen and sportswomen drink more water than the body needs. Previously, they had been led to believe that they needed to keep consuming water during exercise to prevent dehydration-induced heat illnesses. The experts claimed that dehydration was the major cause of collapsing during the game or extreme exercise. Therefore, it was thought that all people in fitness and sports should keep drinking water to remain hydrated.
In addition to pure water, they also encourage consuming sports drinks that are already common in the market. Some athletes bring their favorite type of sports drink that they believe will best keep them well hydrated. So, why do some other athletes in competitions rarely collapse even when they do not drink as much water as some advise? Do all athletes really need so much water? Some medical researchers have disagreed with recommendations to drink even more water and gone ahead to prove how too much water can pose a health risk.
Effects of Too Much Water for Athletes
The good news is that the body does not really need a large amount of water during a competition as long as one is healthy. If you have been staying hydrated throughout the day, then you do not need to triple that amount when exercising. A science report indicates that one will only collapse due to dehydration when the water level is below 15 percent of the normal requirement. This is equivalent to staying for 2 days in the desert without water. When you increase the amount of water to more than needed, this can derail both mental and physical performance.
Most athletes risk experiencing a state of confusion, coma and seizures if the water level goes overboard as little as 5 percent. For instance, Zyree, a Georgia football player, drank more than 4 gallons of fluid during his regular practice. When he arrived home, he collapsed and later was declared dead at the hospital.
Even though most coaches will encourage athletes to keep hydrated, it is crucial to understand the limits. Medical experts say that the consequences of being dehydrated are less than those of overhydration. Therefore, it is crucial to follow your body and only drink more water and fluids when you feel thirsty. The body is designed to alert you of its needs. Fortunately, athletes will rarely collapse of dehydration if they follow this rule. On the contrary, drinking too much water can be life threatening to them.